Sunday, December 16, 2012

Effect on jobs:

This picture represents one of the jobs created due to increased sustainable farming.
One of the most important factors in maintaining a healthy economy is low unemployment. In late 2011 out unemployment rate was holding steady at about 9.1%. As many farms switch to sustainable agriculture they are also creating new jobs because sustainable methods of farming generally require more man-power than industrial settings. Local farming jobs cannot be outsourced, and increase the amount of money circulating in their region. Farm workers don’t need a lot of schooling; however, workers face physically demanding work and seasonal unemployment. Further, there are a variety of other jobs created due to local sustainable farms, according to Mari Pierce-Quionez, “job creation may potentially lie in the promotion of jobs in the local distribution, processing, and wholesaling sectors.” Good jobs related to food production, distribution, and sale provide opportunities to low-skilled workers that might have otherwise not been available, pay enough to support a family, have safe working conditions, and provide plenty of space for independence as a worker and opportunity for professional growth. Sustainable agriculture positively affects the economy through job creation, decreasing unemployment, and adding money to local regions into circulation.

To read the full article:

Pierce-Quinonez, Mari. "The Job Creating Potential of Local Food Systems." Sustainable Cities Collective RSS. N.p., 21 Sept.
                  2011. Web. 16 Dec. 2012.
Picture Sources:
"Urban Farming | GreenFuse Photos: Garden, Farm & Food Photography." Urban Farming | GreenFuse Photos:
                  Garden, Farm & Food Photography. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Dec. 2012.

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